Call Recording Policy
This policy was developed in cooperation with members, other communities, and others to enhance privacy while still allowing security, transparency, and the ability for members to use call recording.
ALL outbound calls using the PBX-provided trunks are recorded for the first 90 days of an extension being in service. After 90 days, the member may choose to opt out. This policy is in place for security reasons.
Inbound calls from the PBX trunks are recorded once you reach a member with call recording enabled. Anybody who calls inbound and does not wish to be recorded may choose to prohibit their call from being recorded by dialing *1. By doing this, their call WILL NOT BE RECORDED BY THE PBX NO MATTER WHAT, and it will show on your caller ID to whoever you are calling that recording is prohibited. If a member is found to still be recording these calls, their extension(s) and service shall be terminated.
Extension-to-extension calls are recorded if at least one party has call recordings enabled and neither party has call recordings set to NEVER.
ALL public conferences (such as 0311) are recorded.
ALL pages are recorded.
Call recordings are confidential, and staff members may not listen to them without consent from at least one party or with major suspicion of illegal activity. Staff members (if these rules are met) may listen to call recordings via the admin interface or from our Discord Bot.
Members can download and listen to their call recordings either using the UCP interface, via our Discord Bot, or by contacting administration.
You may opt in to having internal calls recorded at any time or when joining. It is not enabled by default on all extensions.
Call recordings are cleared from the system periodically.
If you don’t consent to being recorded, you will not have any outbound PSTN access, and your calls will be set to never be recorded. If someone with call recordings enabled calls you, only their side of the call will be recorded.
All members with call recordings enabled who are in two-party jurisdictions are expected to announce call recording. Administration is not responsible for legal issues concerning call recordings.
All members shall agree with these rules before they may have an extension or access to an extension.
If a call recording was optional, any member of the call may choose to delete the recording at any time either through the Discord interface or by contacting administration. This includes anyone who was involved in the call (for example, if you handed the phone to someone, they can choose to have the recording deleted as long as they can prove they were part of the call).